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We have pictures and videos, hereinafter collectively called materials, at E-Defense which you may borrow and use under the conditions below. 

・Process of applying       
Accept the conditions below. 
*Your application will not be accepted without agreeing with the conditions below.
  • Only the materials that are permitted by E-Defense are available.
  • Mailing cost regarding the materials, if any, must be paid first.
  • You are allowed to use the materials for the purpose of press, education, and public relations. The use for the commercial and advertisement purpose are not allowed.
  • Do not use the materials other than the purpose you applied for. Do not make copies, lend/give them to others. Also, do not use them in the way of invading E-Defense's image or one's right to portraits.
  • Those materials should not be used for recommending particular person or organization.
  • Composition, deletion, or editing of the materials are not allowed, except the scale or time concirning matter, for example, to enlarge the picture or to cut out the beginning or ending of the experiment video with discussion in advance. Additional sound effect to the material is also forbidden as well.
  • Please be sure to put the subtitle as " provided by E-Defense, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED)".
  • Please inform us the date of broadcasting or publishing in advance, and submit a sample of the final version, such as DVD, Video, or Magazine.
  • Any problems related to the work in which provided materials are used are non of our concern.
  • Copyrights or other rights regarding the materials should be managed on the applicant's responsibility.
  • Applicants must return the original material immediately after use, if any.
Fill out the form (Excel:40KB) and send it to (
Research service group, Hyogo Earthquake Engineering Research Center "E-Defense", NIED.
