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- 1. Name: Makoto MATSUBARA
- 2. Research fields: Seismology
- 3. List of publications and presentations
- (1) Reviewed Papers
- Matsubara, M., H. Sato, T. Ishiyama, and A. D. Van Horne, 2016, Configuration of the Moho discontinuity beneath the Japanese Islands derived from three-dimensional seismic tomography, Tectonophysics, in press, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2016.11.025.
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- Matsubara, M., and K. Obara, 2011, The 2011 Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku earthquake related to a strong velocity gradient with the Pacific plate, Earth Planets and Space, 63, 663-667, doi:10.5047/eps.2011.05.018.
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- Matsubara, M., K. Obara and K. Kasahara, 2009, High-Vp/Vs zone accompanying non-volcanic tremors and slow slip events beneath southwestern Japan, Tectonophysics, 472, 6-17, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2008.06.013.
- Matsubara, M., K. Obara and K. Kasahara, 2008, Three-dimensional P- and S-wave velocity structures beneath the Japan Islands obtained by high-density seismic stations by seismic tomography, Tectonophysics, 454, 86-103, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2008.04.016.
- Matsubara, M., H. Hayashi, K. Obara, and K. Kasahara, 2005, Low-velocity oceanic crust at the top of the Philippine Sea and Pacific plates beneath the Kanto region, central Japan, imaged by seismic tomography, J. Geophys. Res., 110, B12304, doi:10.1029/2005JB003673.
- Matsubara, M., Y. Yagi and K. Obara, 2005, Plate boundary slip associated with the 2003 Off-Tokachi earthquake based on small repeating earthquake data, Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L08316-doi:10.1029/2004GL022310.
- Matsubara, M., N. Hirata, H. Sato, and S. Sakai, 2004, Lower crustal fluid distribution in the northeastern Japan arc revealed by high resolution 3D seismic tomography, Tectonophysics, 388, 33-45, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2004.07.046.
- Matsubara, M., N. Hirata, S. Sakai, and I. Kaswasaki, 2000, A low velocity zone beneath the Hida Mountains derived from dense array observation and tomographic method, Earth, Planets and Space, 52, 143-154.
- Yano, T. E., T. Takeda, M. Matsubara, and K. Shiomi, 2017, Japan unified hIgh-resolution relocated catalog for earthquakes (JUICE): Crustal seismicity beneath the Japanese Islands, Tectonophysics, 702, 19-28, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2017.02.017.
- Ishiyama, T., H. Sato, N. Kato, S. Koshiya, S. Abe, K. Shiraishi, and M. Matsubara, 2016, Structures and active tectonics of compressionally reactivated back-arc failed rift across the Toyama trough in the Sea of Japan, revealed by multiscale seismic profiling, Tectonophysics, in press, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2016.09.029.
- Kita, S., and M. Matsubara, 2016, Seismic attenuation structure associated with episodic tremor and slip zone beneath Shikoku and the Kii peninsula, southwestern Japan, in the Nankai subduction zone, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 121, 1962-1982, doi:10.1002/2015JB012493.
- Yukutake, Y., R. Honda and M. Harada, A. Ryuta, M. Matsubara, 2015, A magma-hydrothermal system beneath Hakone volcano, central Japan, revealed by highly resolved velocity structures, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 120, 3293-3308, doi:10.1002/2014JB011856.
- Honda R., Y. Yukutake, H. Ito, M. Harada, T. Aketagawa, A. Yoshida, S. Sakai, S. Nakagawa, N. Hirata, K. Obara, M. Matsubara, and H. Kimura, 2013, Rupture process of the largest aftershock of the M9 Tohoku-oki earthquake obtained from back-projection approach using the MeSO-net data, Earth Planets Space, 65, 917-921, doi:10.5047/eps.2013.01.003.
- Kato, A., S. Sakai, T. Iidaka, T. Iwasaki, E. Kurashimo, T. Igarashi, N. Hirata, T. Kanazawa, K. Katsumata, H. Takahashi, R. Honda, T. Maeda, M. Ichiyanagi, T. Yamaguchi, M. Kosuga, T. Okada, J. Nakajima, S. Hori, T. Nakayama, A. Hasegawa, T. Kono, S. Suzuki, N. Tsumura, Y. Hiramatsu, K. Sugaya, A. Hayashi, T. Hirose, A. Sawada, K. Tanaka, Y. Yamanaka, H. Nakamichi, T. Okuda, Y. Iio, K. Nishigami, M. Miyazawa, H. Wada, N. Hirano, H. Katao, S. Ohmi, K. Ito, I. Doi, S. Noda, S. Matsumoto, K. Matsushima, A. Saiga, H. Miyamachi, K. Imanishi, T. Takeda, Y. Asano, Y. Yukutake, T. Ueno, T. Maeda, T. Matsuzawa, S. Sekine, M. Matsubara and K. Obara, 2011, Anomalous depth dependency of the stress field in the 2007 Noto Hanto, Japan, earthquake: Potential involvement of a deep fluid reservoir, Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L06306, doi:10.1029/2010GL046413.
- Sato, H., N. Hirata, K. Koketsu, D. Okaya, S. Abe, R. Kobayashi, M. Matsubara, T. Iwasaki, T. Ito, T. Ikawa, T. Kawanaka, K. Kasahara, and S. Harder, 2005, Earthquake source fault beneath Tokyo, Science, 309, 462-464, doi:10.1126/science.1110489.
- Ide, S., M. Matsubara and K. Obara, 2004, Exploitation of high-sampling Hi-net data to study seismic energy scaling: the aftershocks of the 2000 Western Tottori, Japan, earthquake, Earth, Planets and Space, 56, 859-871.
- Sato, H., N. Hirata, T. Iwasaki, M. Matsubara, and T. Ikawa, 2002, Deep seismic reflection profiling across the Ou Backbone range, northern Honshu Island, Japan, Tectonophysics, 355, 41-52, doi:10.1016/S0040-1951(02)00133-6.
- (2) Reports
- Sekiguchi. S., H. Hayashi, M. Tsukui, Y. Uesugi, T. Ito, Y. Tanaka, M. Takahashi, Y. Yanagisawa, F. Yamamizu, K. Obara, S. Hori, K. Shiomi, H. Kimura, M. Matsubara and K. Kasahara, 2007, Deep drilling at the arc-arc collision zone in the Yamakita area, central Honshu, Japan, Bull. Of the Earthq. Res. Inst., Univ. of Tokyo, 81, 291-294.
- 4. Affiliated societies
- Seismological Society of Japan
- Japan Geoscience Union
- American Geophysical Union
- 5. Research
- Relationship between three-dimensional velocity structure and seismicity, repeating earthquakes, and active faults.
- Slip history at the plate boundary between the Pacific plate and the Eurasian plate beneath the northeastern Japan (especially Tokachi region)
- Slip history at the plate boundary between the Philippine Sea plate and the Eurasian plate beneath the southwestern Japan (especially Tokai region)
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2017/05/08 updated