About NIED
Statements of NIED's Commitment
Message from the president
A greeting from the president of NIED, TAKARA Kaoru
NIED's Identity
Clarifying our identity, we have created a brand identity so that all of us work together with the same aim.
Science for Resilience
A message from the president on what shape disaster risk reduction should take and NIED’s initiatives.
Brochure and videos
We have prepared materials to introduce NIED's research activities and initiatives.
NIED Integrated Report 2022 (11MB)
NIED Integrated Report compiles the NIED research principles and objectives as well as the latest research activities.
NIED Integrated Report 2021 (8.5MB)
Click above to view past issue.
NIED Integrated Report 2020 (12MB)
Click above to view past issue.
Brochure (6.9MB)
The brochure provides an NIED’s outline such as the objective and structure, and research activities of each research center/project.
Introduction Movie
We publish videos introducing NIED’s research programs and facilities.
Company Outline
- Ideologies of NIED
- Introducing NIED’s basic objective of “Realizing Resilient Society to Natural Disaster” and 5 ideologies.
- Outline and History
- Providing the history of NIED from April 1963 to present.
- Executive Officers
- Introducing the Executive Officers of NIED.
- Organization
- Organization chart and budget of NIED.
Holidays at NIED
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