Experimental Facilities

Research facilities
The largest experimental facility of its kind in the world, E-Defense can re-create seismic shaking in the three dimensions of back/forth, left/right and up/down, reproducing the process by which life-sized buildings and structures are destroyed.
Large-scale Earthquake Simulator
Using a 14.5 x 15m large-scale shaking table, this large-scale seismic resistance experimental facility can re-create the shaking such as the Hanshin Awaji Earthquake Disaster.
Large-scale Rainfall Simulator
Experimental facility that is the largest of their kind in the world, with peerless ability to reproduce hourly rainfall of 15-300mm.
Cryospheric Environment Simulator
The only experimental facility in the world capable of reproducing crystalline snow that is almost indistinguishable from real snow, even in mid-summer. We bring clarity to snow and ice phenomena, and verify the effectiveness of disaster countermeasures regarding roof snow, snow accretion, blizzards, and avalanches.