What’s New

Ms. Riesbeck, International Policy Analyst of the Science and Technology Directorate U.S. Department of Homeland Security visited NIED.

From left;Dr. M. Maki, Director, Storm Flood, and Landslide Research Dept.Dr. K. Nakane, Principal Senior Researcher, Storm Flood, and Landslide Research Deptindex.html Dr. H. Moriwaki, Director, Strategic Planning Dept.Ms. K. Riesbeck, International Policy Analyst, Science & Technology Dept., DHS Dr. M. Konaka, Executive Director, NIED Mr. R. Strack, Assistant DHS-ICE Attache, American Embassy Ms. Sano , Scientific Affairs Analyst, EST Section, American Embassy Dr. K. Sekiguchi, Senior Officer, Strategic Planning Dept.

Program (15:30 - 16:30)

Ms. Riesbeck introduces about the policy of the Homeland Security.
Dr. Maki introduces about research of the prediction of landslides and urban floods.
After the discussion