International Workshop of falling snow and snow cover
- 開催日時
2017年1月31日 13時~17時30分
2月1日 9時10分~12時 - 場所
まちなかキャンパス長岡 5階 交流ルーム
- お問い合わせ・懇親会申し込み
〒940-0821 新潟県長岡市栖吉町前山187-16
防災科学技術研究所雪氷防災研究センター(tel 0258-35-7520)
担当 山口
メールアドレス yamasan[AT]bosai.go.jp ([AT]は@に変換してください)
- 1月31日(火)
Session 1: Falling snow(13:00-15:00) -
An observation system for detection of local severe snowstorm causing snow‐related disaster.
Katsuya Yamashita (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience)
Radar estimation of solid precipitation intensity: A disdrometer‐reference method and problems
Sento Nakai (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience)
On empirical parameterizations of characteristics of falling snow particles and its applications.
Hiroki Motoyoshi (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience)
Empirical Relationships for Estimating Liquid Water Fraction of Melting Snowflakes
Ryohei Mishumi (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience) - break(15:00-15:30)
- Session 2: For linking falling snow and snow cover (15:30‐17:30)
Acquisition of snowfall characters, and their relationships with density of newly fallen snow, for snowpack modeling applications
Masaaki Ishizaka (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience)
Measurement of Specific Surface Area of falling snow for description of falling snow properties
Satoru Yamaguchi (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience)
Application of cloud microphysics model to estimation of snowpack parameters.
Akihiro Hashimoto (Meteorological Research Institute)
Modeling of falling snow properties for snowpack models: towards a better link between falling snow and snow on the ground
Vincent Vionnet (Meteo France) - 2月1日(水)
Session 3: Snow cover (9:10‐11:40) -
Relationship between preferential flow in snow cover with meteorological condition based on observation data of Multi‐Compartment‐Lysimeter
Satoru Yamaguchi (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience)
Simulation of heterogeneous liquid water movement in the snowpack considering preferential flow.
Hiroyuki Hirashima (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience)
Development of the NHM‐SMAP regional climate model for polar regions
Masashi Niwano (Meteorological Research Institute)
Snowpack modeling in the French mountains driven by short‐range high‐resolution weather forecasts
Vincent Vionnet (Meteo France) - General Discussion (11:40‐12:00)
※1/31の全セッション終了後に長岡駅周辺で懇親会を開催いたします。懇親会に参加希望の方は、以下の山口までその旨ご連絡ください。 山口悟( yamasan[AT]bosai.go.jp)
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