第2回 国際 雪・雪崩シンポジウム in ニセコ 2018年12月7日(金)~10日(月)
- 開催案内
- 開催日時
- 場所
- ニセコ雪崩ミーティング (18時30分 開始)
Avalanche hazard forecasting by Meteo-France
Pascal Hagenmuller (フランス気象局) 通訳あり
Snow avalanche warning in Switzerland: Tradition and Technology
Michael Lehning (スイス雪・雪崩研究所、スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校)通訳あり
山口 悟(防災科学技術研究所)
- 第Ⅱ部 ディスカッション 司会:新谷暁生
Workshop on “SNOW PHYSICS”
- Saturday, December 8
wet snow -
9:10 “Introduction of snow physics studies by NIED” Satoru Yamaguchi (NIED) 9:40 " Experimental study on water infiltration into snowpack" Hiroki Tsuji (Nagoya Univ.) 10:10 "Observation of fingering flow and lateral flow development in layered dry snowpack by using MRI" Takafumi Katsushima (FFPRI) 10:40 - 11:00 Break 11:00 "Comparison between a 3D water transport model and SNOWPACK for liquid water infiltration with preferential flow" Hiroyuki Hirashima (NIED) 11:30 "Improving the simulation of capillary pressure in snow with a non-equilibrium Richards equation model" Nicolas Romain Leroux (Univ. of Saskatchewan ) 12:00 - 13:30 Lunch 13:30 "Estimation of Effective Porosity of Seasonal Snow" Hayato Arakawa (NIED) 14:00 " An investigation on crystal shape of artificial surface hoar crystals" Toshihiro Ozeki (Hokkaido Univ. of Education) 14:30 Microstructure-based modeling of snow mechanics" Pascal Hagenmuller (Meteo-France - CNRS) 15:00 - 15:20 Break 15:20 “Wind-tunnel experiments on splash process: three-dimensional particle track with high-speed cameras” Hirofumi Niiya (Niigata Univ.) 15:50 “Splash process due to a grain impact on granular bed” Takahiro Tanabe (Meiji Univ.) 16:20 “Development of a large-eddy simulation coupled with Lagrangian snow transport model” Tsubasa Okaze (Tokyo Tech) 16:50 “Investigating Dynamics of Sand Dunes Using Combination of Lattice-Boltzmann Method and Sand-Particles-in-Cell Model” Hiraku Nishimori (Hiroshima Univ.) - Sunday, December 9
9:00 “Observation of the spatio-temporal variability of blowing snow” Masaki Nemoto (NIED) 9:30 "Coherence of Alpine Turbulence and Blowing Snow " Nikolas Aksamit (ETH) 10:00 “Drifting and blowing snow investigations at different scales” Benjamin Anders WALTER (SLF) 10:30 - 10:45 Break 10:45 “Blowing snow experimental test site Col du Lac Blanc (French Alps) : past and on going researches” Florence Naaim BOUVET (IRSTEA) 11:15 “Snow deposition and snow mass balance in extreme environments” Michael Lehning (SLF, EPFL) 11:45 “Development of avalanche warning system in Hokkaido, Japan “ Asami Komatsu (JWA) 12:15 - 13:30 Lunch 13:30
“Numerical simulation of debris flow on the basis of two dimensional continuum body model” Hiroshi Takebayashi (DPRI, Kyoto Univ.) 14:00 “Simulation of avalanche occurred in Nasu-machi, Tochigi prefecture, 2017” Kenichi Oda (Nihon Univ.) 14:30 “Application of the pyroclastic flow friction model to the snow avalanches” Kae Tsunematsu (Yamagata Univ.), Fukashi Maeno (ERI, Univ. of Tokyo) 15:00 “Thermal equilibrium and flow regime transitions in snow flows” Jan Thomas Fischer (BFW) 15:30 - 15:40 Break 15:40
“Slushflows induced by an extream rain-on-snow event on 9 March 2018, Hokkaido, Japan” Katsuhisa Kawashima (Niigata Univ.) 16:10 “Slush avalanches and its observation plan at Mount Fuji” Ryo Honda (MFRI) 16:40 “Seismic detection and location of avalanches and slush flows at Mt.Fuji, Japan” Cristina Perez-Guillen (Barcelona Univ.) 17:10 “Snow avalanche experiments in Niseko 2016-2018 - progress in 3 years-“ Yoichi Ito (NIED) 17:40 “Full-scale avalanche experiment in Niseko, 2019” Kouichi Nishimura (Nagoya Univ.)